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At Fortodo, we focus on getting you through this thing we call life.
We do this by providing you your daily
Needs, Wants, and Desires.
From "Search to done!", We seek to be -
(T)Here for you, to,
For; to (do) Life; to, For; to (do) Business;
- For Life
And, be it for you, or for your business needs, wants, or desires, we are
"Getting you started". "Keeping you going".
Via our Platforms, and our Centers ,
we enable Innovation to happen.
And we support Innovators for; to do life.



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"2023 - 2025"

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Sunset over the Pacific Ocean, near Wilshire Blvd. Astor Birri
Fog rolling down hillside near 280 fwy and 92 fwy, via City of San Mateo, CA. Astor Birri
Mountain near 280 fwy and 92 fwy, via City of San Mateo, CA. Astor Birri
Rainbow via City of Oxnard, Near 101 fwy and Whole Foods Market. Astor Birri
Bird of Paradise - Outside of WFM - Santa Clara. Astor Birri
Pacific Ocean. July 16, 2019. Astor Birri
Crystal Springs Reservoir - Santa Cruz Mountains of San Mateo County. Astor Birri
"New Horizons Encountering 2014 MU69 (Artist's Impression)". Nasa
Starfield. Nasa
[A] Wall : Inside of Apple Store - Downtown Palo Alto. Astor Birri
Ocean Wave. Astor Birri
Live: Rain
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